I Finally Found the Metallica Beer "Enter Night"

The other day, I went out shopping for beer to get ready from my brother coming into town for the holiday. I try to find different beer for us to try, and to my surprise I found the Metallica beer "Enter Night"

I first heard about it a few months ago, but never saw it in town, and forgot to look for it. As you can see it doesn't really say "Metallica" on the 6-pack when you look at it, but on the bottom it does.

It's a pilsner beer that was done in collaboration with the Stone Brewery. It's called "Enter Night" because of the line in the Metallica song "Enter Sandman".

Apparently it was only available at some of the band's tour stops in the past couple of years, but this year they finally released it nation-wide. And, we finally got it in B/CS.

I haven't tried it yet, as I'm waiting for my brother to come into town, but I'll make sure to blog about it in the New Year.

This is my last blog of the year, as I'm off for the holidays to enjoy time with family.

Hope you have a great holiday season!


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