K.C.'s Scuba diving and Brewpub stories!

On yesterday's blog, I told you about my theme park visits in Orlando....well after that my brother and I drove down to Key Largo to do some scuba diving. Since it's a 5-6 hour drive, I decided to break it up by having lunch at a brewpub (as I normally do)

We stopped at HopLife Brewing in Port St. Lucie

They had some interesting Lagers. Of my 4 beer sampler (above), I tried there Light lager, a Raspberry Lager and a Blueberry lager. I thought the Raspberry lager was tasty.

After that stop, we drove the rest of the way to Key Largo, where it was time to relax.

That chair is at a bar, right next to our hotel. We usually stay at the same place, because of it's location. It's right on the bay, the bar is next door, and it's walking distance to several restaurants.

Since it's on the bay, each night we'd go out on the dock with our flashlights to see what wildlife we could see. one night we saw these crabs.

Although, our main reason for going to Key Largo, is to go out scuba diving.

And this trip didn't disappoint! We saw the creature we always want to see....a sea turtle.

We also swam with sharks!

That was just a nurse shark, and doesn't usually bother humans.

Another mean looking fish, that generally doesn't bother humans is the Barracuda.

Funny story, since you can't verbal communicate underwater, you have to "talk" with hand signs. My brother and I use various hand signs for the different fish. for the Barracuda, we started using an "Air guitar" sign, because of the Heart song.

That's my brother hanging out with a stingray!

Can you spot this next fish????

That's actually a trumpet fish (on the right side) It's a long thin fish, that it's difficult to figure out which end is the head....one of their ways of hiding from predators

Even underwater we took selfies!

The thing about scuba diving, is that you have to wait 24 hours before you can fly anywhere. Since we were flying out on Sunday afternoon, on Saturday we did 2 scuba dives in the morning, and then in the afternoon. went to a couple of breweries

First stop was the Florida Keys Brewing company. They had a couple of Cream Ales. (my current favorite style of beer)

Then just a mile or 2 down the road was Islamorada Brewing Company

They actually are a brewery & Distillery And i was able to sample 3 beers AND a gin drink called "Berry Basil Bucha" which was made with gin and Kombucha. very tasty.

The other interesting thing about the Islamorada Brewing company, is they had stickers on th walls from breweries all over the country....including a former College Station Brewery. (I think they're former...)

All in all a very fun vacation.

Thanks for reading my blog


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