Brazos County Health District distributing free rapid COVID-19 home tests

To get your ready for the holidays, the Brazos County Health District is distributing free rapid COVID-19 home tests at 201 N. Texas Ave. Bryan, TX 77803.

Tests are available during the stated business hours below:

Thursday, December 22nd: 8 am through 2 pm,

Wednesday, December 28th: 8 am through 5 pm,

Thursday, December 29th: 8 am through 5pm,

Friday, December 30th: 8 am through 1 pm.

The supplies are limited to two boxes per person (4 tests per box).

Testing can prevent the spread of COVID-19 by keeping those infected away from gatherings with multiple households like Christmas or New Year’s Eve.

Since I've got some sinus issues going on at the moment, I actually did a covid test yesterday, since I"m going to be spending time with family over the holidays....thankfully I came back negative!

This is my last blog of the year, as I'm on vacation starting tomorrow. Thanks for reading my blog, and thanks for listening to me on the radio.

I hope you have a good holiday season!


Photo: KC

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