Last night, College Station Mayor Carl Mooney signed an order to prevent the spread of Covid-19. The order will require people to wear masks inside businesses starting on Monday 6/29/2020.
According to the College Station City Blog,
"From this Order’s effective date, every commercial entity in the City of College Station providing goods or services directly to the public must develop and implement a health and safety policy (“Health and Safety Policy”).
The Health and Safety Policy must require, at a minimum, that every employee or visitor to the commercial entity's business premises or other facilities wear a face covering over their nose and mouth, according to the CDC guidelines,when in an undivided room or area with coworkers or the public or while performing an activity which necessarily involves or City of College Station
College Station Businesses can be fined $1000 per day for violating this order."
"This Order does not apply to and it is a defense to prosecution that the commercial entity operated a restaurant or bar and did not require a patron to wear a face covering
while eating or drinking when the patron was at least six feet away from persons not in his or her party."
The order also let people know when Face coverings do NOT need to be worn.
a.When exercising outside or engaging in physical activity outside
b.When driving alone or with passengers who are part of the same household as the driver
c.When doing so poses a greater mental or physical health, safety, or security risk
d.Whenpumping gas or operating outdoor equipment
e.While in a building or participating in an activity that requires security surveillance, screening, or identification, for example, banks
f.When consuming food or drink; org.When receiving a service where a face covering would impair the service
The order goes into effect Monday (June 29th, 2020).