K.C. Wheeler

K.C. Wheeler

Hey It's K.C. I like Classic Rock and Beer. Join me weekdays from 6a-10am!Full Bio


Inauguration Schedule

Here's a Tentative Schedule of today's events

7:30a  – President-Elect Trump and party arrive at St. John's Church for service.

 8:30 – President-elect Trump and party depart for White House 

8:30 – President and Mrs. Obama welcome President Elect and Mrs. Trump to the White House for coffee. 

9:30 – Parties depart the White House for the Capitol via motorcade. 

9:40 – President Obama and President Elect Trump arrive at the Capitol carriage entrance 

9:45 – VIP arrivals are announced at the Capitol.

 10:15  – Program begins 

10:33 – P. Elect Pence is sworn in by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas 

10:45 President Elect Trump is sworn in by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts 

11AM – President Trump delivers inaugural address. 

11:18 – National Anthem is sung by Jackie Evancho 

11:19 – Former President Obama and Former V.P. Biden depart. 

12p – Former President Obama and family arrive at Joint Base Andrews for departure to Palm Springs. Comments expected.

 12:08 – President Trump is announced to the luncheon at Statuary Hall. 

12:15 – Cameras at the Capitol go dark for lunch 

12:58 – Cameras turned back on for luncheon program at the Capitol. 

1:12 – President Trump to East Front lobby of the Capitol

 1:40 – President Trump reviews troops 

1:45 – Parties move to parade vehicles 

2p – Parade rolls from Capitol Grounds


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