K.C. Wheeler

K.C. Wheeler

Hey It's K.C. I like Classic Rock and Beer. Join me weekdays from 6a-10am!Full Bio


Brazos County Sheriff honors Citizen

BV Sherrif Pic Feb 2018

According to the Brazos County's Sheriff's Office.

"The  Sheriff’s Office held a special ceremony to recognize a citizen that  assisted one of our Deputies on a call. On January 11, 2018, a storm  moved through the area that brought cold temperatures and strong winds.  During the storm, Deputy Jerry Basey was dispatched to a traffic hazard  on a county road. When Deputy Basey arrived, he found a large tree that  had fallen and was blocking the roadway. The tree was very large and  Deputy Basey wasn’t able to push the tree out of the roadway. Our  Deputies don’t carry equipment that would allow them  to remove a tree of this size while on patrol. Common practice is for  the Deputy to stay on scene and direct traffic until necessary personnel  and equipment can arrive. While Deputy Basey was directing traffic,  Travis Piper volunteered to retrieve a chainsaw and removed the tree for  us. With Mr. Piper’s assistance, Deputy Basey was able to quickly  return to his normal duties and traffic could resume. Thank you Mr. Piper for your assistance that night. "

VERY Cool of Travis Piper to help out!


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