K.C. Wheeler

K.C. Wheeler

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Bad Shot Disc Golfing Yesteday

My disc is the orange thing way up in the tree.   Thankfully there were objects on the ground that I could throw at it to get it down.

I first tried a rock, and missed it by a foot.   I then tried a 1/2 foot long stick, and sure enough hit it square in the middle and it fell back down to the ground.

For those not familiar with Disc Golf, it's like regular golf, accept that you use discs (frisbee like) and throw them towards a basket with chains.

I play it, because once you have the discs it's basically free to play and it's good exercise.

You can play with just 1 disc, and if you're starting out, that's what I would recommend. But like regular golf has it's different clubs, Disc golf has different discs for different shots.  Some curve left, some curve right (if you throw them correctly), some go further than others.  I've collected several over the  years, and usual play with 4....2 drivers a mid-range and a putter.

There are 6-7 course in the B/CS area, most of which are 9 hole course. The one I play the most is at Oaks Park (off Harvey Road diagonally across from Ozona Grill & Bar).  It's a short 9 hole course.   There is a creek you have to cross (and play near), but most the times if your disc goes in the water, it's clear enough to get it out. 

There are also courses and Research Park, Wolf Pen Creek, Southern Oaks Park, Austin Colony & Bonham Park.

If you're new, I don't recommend Research Park, because there are a lot of water holes where you can easily lose a disc.  I only play Research Park when the winds less than 10mph.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me KCWheeler@995TheFox.com


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