When I went on Vacation last week, I went to the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia Canada, which has the highest tidal changes in the world!
It's pretty crazy, we went in the morning to some spots when it was low tide, then went back to those same spots when it was high tide, and the difference is amazing!
Here's some before/after pictures that we took.
Those were just a small harbour off the Bay of Fundy.(Halls Harbour) It was neat to see the ships just laying on the ocean floor....then hours later they were back to floating. I'd think that would be hard on the boats.
We also went to a couple of more scenic locations.
The picture on top was at Burntcoat Head Park. That was VERY muddy walking around at low tide. Sometimes I would just slide around instead of walking. It's so muddy there at low tide, they actually have a Shoe Cleaning Station to get all the mud off.
The picture on the bottom, was at Baxter Falls. I could walk up to the falls at low tide, but you can see at high tide, I'd have to swim to get there.
Definitely an interesting experience. Another thing that happens because of the tidal changes, is a Tidal Bore.
A Tidal Bore, is when a river stops flowing out to sea....and flows the OPPOSITE way. We went to a spot to observe the change....and it wasn't as PRONOUNCED as I thought it would be. It was very gradual, after waiting 30-45 minutes you could see a difference.
Here's a 4 pictures I took within 5 minutes of a rock that was being covered by the rising of the river(in the opposite direction).
In fact, when we were at that spot of the Tidal Bore, I ran into a couple of Aggies. One was wearing an A&M T-shirt, so I said gig 'em. We chatted for a bit. Nice to have that bond wherever you go!
Anyway, that's all I have time to post today. I'll post more from my Nova Soctian trip as the week goes on, include visits to breweries, cideries, wineries and a distillery!