K.C. Wheeler

K.C. Wheeler

Hey It's K.C. I like Classic Rock and Beer. Join me weekdays from 6a-10am!Full Bio


Happy National Video Games Day!

Sept 12th is National Video Games Day....here's some of the classic video games I used to play back in the day on the Atari 2600.  Anyone remember that?

The Games listed above include.....Fishing Derby (a very simple game...but I still enjoyed it).   Pitfall (a CLASSIC Game....never finished it...don't know if you can) E.T. (A legendary BAD Video game...there's even a TV special on that game).     Breakout (my sister was a big fan of that game...though you had to switch to the "Wheel controllers")   Space Invaders(Fun...but not as fun as the arcade game...same with the Pacman Atari 2600 game)  DigDug (Another converted arcade game....that wasn't good as the original...I spent LOTS of quarters on that game one summer) Outlaw/Combat(I remember having some good battles with my brother with those games).   Missile Command(wasn't as easy without the trackball)  RiverRaid (That was a game my best friend had, that I didn't...so i had to get it)    and Grand Prix.(that was a fun racing game, where you raced left to right in 4 lanes...I remember they had a contest that if you beat a certain time, you could take a picture and send it in to get a patch....I did that, but never got the patch....oh well.

Then....there was the original video game my family had....I remember we got it one Christmas. (after playing my Uncle's version)

yep....back in my day we had PONG....and we liked it....ha!

I think last year, i tried to see if it still worked, but the connections to TV's have changes so much since then, I'm wasn't able to see.   One of these days I may see if I can find a converter.  

It's amazing how video games have changed over the  years.....especially how the video games above entertained me so much...and now, one game on my phone has WAY more than all those put together.

As for games I play theses days....I don't take too much time to play, though Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes is the mobile game that I play the most....and on my PS3, I still play college football, even though they haven't made a new version in years.

Have a good "National Video Game" day!


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