K.C. Wheeler

K.C. Wheeler

Hey It's K.C. I like Classic Rock and Beer. Join me weekdays from 6a-10am!Full Bio


Rock & Roll Poetry For Renfest Tickets

Listen around 7:30am for your chance to win Texas Renaissance Festival tickets!

The festival opens up this weekend with "OKTOBERFEST" the theme.

I've been several times, and I always have a fun time.

Texas Renaissance Festival

Aresene is the juggler above...I also like to see Crannog (irish music), Tartanic (rockin' bagpipes), Iris & Rose (Adult Humor) and of course visit the Brigadoon Brewery!

To win, I'll read a line from a classic rock song, the 1st person to call in and identify the artist and title correctly wins the RenFest tickets!

Good Luck


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