K.C. Wheeler

K.C. Wheeler

Hey It's K.C. I like Classic Rock and Beer. Join me weekdays from 6a-10am!Full Bio


I saw some Fall color on my walk

Every day for exercise, I like to go walking.   In fact after I get off the air at 10am, I usually go for a quick walk on 29th and Briarcrest before getting back to the "off-air" work I have to do.

Then later in the day when I'm off work, I'll go out walking to get more exercise, and I usually walk through a park near where I live in College Station.   The other day I noticed how cool this tree looked, with it's changing leaves for Fall.

I liked how some of the leaves are green, while other parts are red.     We don't get lot of the fall colors here in B/CS like they do in other parts of the country, but I thought that looked cool.

By the way, if you see my walking, and honk at me, I may not recognize you, because a lot of times when I look at the drivers going by I just get glare off the windshield.   

FYI, there's only been 1 day this month I didn't get my 10,000 steps per day.

I'll probably get a lot of steps in tonight, as I'll be out at Holiday Magic in Bryan from 5:30pm-8pm. I usually run the basketball game on the tennis courts, so a lot of times I'm chasing around a basketball.

I'll be tired tomorrow, but it's worth it seeing the smiles on the kids faces.


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