Happy National Radio Day!
That's my radio that I used to record songs off the radio back in the day. Sadly, the cassette player/recorder doesn't work anymore...but the radio is still good.
Kids don't know how easy it is to listen to a song they want to hear these days....back in the day, if you wanted to hear a song...you'd call the DJ and hope he'd play it, so you could record it off the radio....and then you could play it over and over again.
Otherwise you'd have to buy the album/tape....if it was even available. OR....as I did, get hooked up with a Cassette club....get the first 5 for a nickel....then have to buy so many over the next few years. I got stuck with some cassettes I didn't want because i forgot to mail the card back in saying I didn't want it. Ah the days.
Have a good one!