On Saturday, some friends and I decided to take a Day trip, so we went to Snows BBQ.
Photo: K.C. Wheeler
In the past it was listed in Texas Monthly as the #1 BBQ joint in Texas. Some people get there hours before they open!.
We decided to get there about an hour and half AFTER it opened. (opens at 8:00am)
Photo: K.C. Wheeler
Turns out I was 217th in line that day. They ran out of Chicken after the 119th person.
We ended up waiting 2hours and 15 minutes in line before we got our food. It was cool that had a stand with free beverages as you passed the time. Thankfully, by the time we got up there, they still had everything we wanted to eat.
Photo: K.C. Wheeler
I got brisket, sausage, and an ice-tea in a souvenir cup. My friends also got the pork shoulder, ribs and turkey, and we shared so everyone was able to try everything but the chicken...and it was the best overall BBQ joint I've been to, everything tasted sooo good. I even had leftovers on Sunday and they were still tasty!
Out of curiosity, I checked the "Sold out" board before we left.
Photo: K.C. Wheeler
Turns out we barely got the Turkey and the Ribs, very lucky, If you've seen the TV special on the, Tootsie was there, and offered to take pictures with folks, which was nice.
I asked Kerry how the crowd was, and he said a bit slow...likely because the threat of rain. It did sprinkle on us a bit, but they did have umbrellas for people to get under while waiting in line.
It's just an hours drive from B/CS, and if you don't mind getting up early on a Saturday and waiting in line, the BBQ is well worth it.
Before heading back to town, we took a bit of a detour....
Photo: K.C. Wheeler
In Giddings there is the "Dimebox Distillery". Turns out it started in Dimebox, but moved to Giddings, but kept the name..
We got a sampler to start off, and we liked the "Rock & Rye"
Photo: K.C. Wheeler
You might be able to see in the back of that picture, that they have GUITAR shaped bottles.
Since it was the day before Saint Patrick's Day, they had a specialty drink
Photo: K.C. Wheeler
Photo: K.C. Wheeler
I got it, and it was a fun drink. A nice place! If you're near the area, might be worth a stop. (though check their hours)
oh..and I thought this shirt was funny.
Photo: K.C. Wheeler